
  Confirm your attendance

  This registration has closed now. You won't be able to respond to this registration anymore.

December 18th, 2020 - Jummah Attendance Registration

Please confirm your time preference for Jumuah prayer attendance on December 18th, 2020. With the COVID-19 restrictions, we have to limit the number of people who can attend the Jumuah at a time. Those who pick a choice from these options, please try to make it and follow these rules: - Please stay home if you are sick, have any serious health issues, have sore throat, cough or any symptoms related to COVID-19 or flu. - No women allowed - No kids under 10 years old - Must come with mask and wear it all time - Must come with wudu - Must bring your prayer rug - Come on time, leave immediately after the prayer, pray sunnah at home - Keep social distance

Ends: Fri, Dec 18 2020


You can select only one option
Friday, December 18th - 1:15 PM

22 of 60 taken

Friday, December 18th - 1:45 PM

7 of 60 taken

If you've responded to this registration already, thank you. If you've missed it please make sure to respond the sooner you get the notification about a registration request, in'shaa'Allah. We definitely value your opinion, and you response really helps us plan things better.