Announcement      Published: Sat, May 13, 2023

Ramadan Mubarak 1444 AH

Allahumma Ballighna Ramadan - May Allah grant us the ability to reach Ramadan and help us to fast and pray during Ramadan and save us from the hell fire, Ameen.

This year holy month of Ramadan for the year 2023/1444 AH will begin on Thursday March 23rd and we will have our first Taraweeh prayers at ISGH tonight i.e. Wednesday, March 22nd, In Shaa Allah.

Taraweeh will be 20 rakats and will start immediately after Isha salah and will be led by Molana Habibullah Qadri, Hafiz Ahmed Khan and other Huffaz from ISGH Hifz school, In Shaa Allah.

ISGH will be hosting community Iftar every Saturday. Everyone is invited. If you’re interested in participating/sponsoring one of these iftars at ISGH, please contact one of the council members.

We encourage everyone to donate generously during this holy month and during ISGH Annual fundraising on Apr 1st, 2023. These donations will go in supporting Hifz/Evening School and towards maintaining our large complex. All tax donations to ISGH are tax deductible. For any queries please e-mail

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us @ 717-417-8018.
Ramadan Mubarak in advance

Jazakumu’Allahu Khairan

ISGH Council


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